- QIDI TECHNOLOGY has been focusing on developing high quality, high performance 3D printers. We have 7 years of manufacturing experience,
- The X series 3d printers we developed are very popular among users.,the user’s favorable rate keeps Amazon’s first place all the year round .
- The QIDI TECH X-Plus 3D printer features an efficient, modern design that will look great in your home or office, which makes bringing 3D printing into your workflow easy. Higher configuration 3D printer but under 1000USD on Amazon.
- The QIDI TECH X-plus combines all the features you want in a 3D printer like quiet printing, air purification, Wi-Fi connection, one-button quick leveling, break point printing,etc.
- It can print advanced material such as Nylon, Carbon Fiber, PC and be compatible with any brands of 1.75mm filament.
- 3D Printing is applied to rapid prototyping, architectural scale models & maquettes, 3D printed prosthetics and movie props, etc.
- QIDI TECH is suitable for education institutions for hands-on, project-based learning,designers,tinkerers, hobbyists & home users, advanced 3D users in industry, engineering and product development. Which brings tremendous contributions to the development of modern society.